My Sister, The Serial Killer
written by Oyinkan Braithwaite
I looked upon the cover, seeing its green electric title My Sister, The Serial Killer, and pulled out my phone to take a quick picture to send to my brother as a joke. Then thinking better of it, I slipped my phone back in my pocket. Best not to joke about murder. I sent him a picture of an elephant seal instead. A month later a coworker’s recommendation led me to finally open the book and read the story of two sisters who were indeed more likely to dispose of a corpse together than to send each other photos of silly sea creatures.
The book wastes no time opening with Korede receiving a call from her younger sister, Ayoola, who needs her help. When Korede arrives, Ayoola’s boyfriend sits propped against the bathroom wall with a blade sunk into his chest. Korede asks the obvious questions but is already cleaning up the scene because she already knows what happened. This is the third man her sister has killed. Three murders make a serial killer.
With the body dropped into the river and evidence erased by cleaning products, life returns to what it was. Korede arrives the next day for her shift at the hospital where she works as nurse and longs after Tade, the handsome doctor. But now Korede can’t shake the knowledge that her irresistibly charming, free-spirited, and beautiful sister can now be definitionally classified as a serial killer. Whever Ayoola goes men become enamored with her, so when Ayoola comes to visit Korede at the hospital and catches Tade’s eye, Korede must face what her sister has become else Tade’s blood will be the next she’ll have to clean up after.
My Sister, The Serial Killer is a quick read with a brilliantly constructed plot that ignites your curiosity. Will the sisters be caught? Will Korede betray her sister? Will Ayoola kill again? Meanwhile, you grow to understand the relationship between the two sisters and their past. If you enjoy mysterys or thrillers, this book is an excellent read, for you'll be thirsting to know what might happen next and you'll love every second of it.