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written by Alice Oseman

I love a good romance. I want to see people connect, be best friends, fall in love, kiss, communicate, and tackle challenges as a team. I don’t know if I’ve been barking up the wrong tree all this time, but I could never find a book, film, tv show, or anything that gave me more than just the falling in love part. I couldn’t find friendship or the being in love part. Must the story end with the first kiss or confession of attraction? Show me the goods! I have been starved for the romance I’ve been wanting, but Alice Oseman saw my agony and pulled out Heartstopper and said, “I heard you wanted a romance that feels real, with characters who know the importance of communication and work at it. Here is a couple who you can believe gets along and has found something magical with friends who support them and a relationship that you can read about long after the first kiss. And, speaking of kissing… there is lots of kissing.”

I binged Heartstopper. I couldn’t believe how well it captured the rush of meeting your person and being with them long term. Heartstopper is a comic about high school boys Charlie and Nick. Charlie is year ten in school, artistic, anxious, and caring. Nick is year eleven, athletic, popular, and discovering who he is. They end up sitting next to each other in class, become friends, and the rest is…well, I’d say history, but the comic is still being written.

You can read Heartstopper in the form of printed graphic novels, scroll through the comic on your phone, or even watch the Heartstopper adaptation on Netflix. In any form, Heartstopper is a heartwarming story of friendship and love of all kinds. This may be one of my shorter reviews, but it’s only because the point I’m making is a simple one. If you seek a wholesome story of love that doesn’t end with a first kiss. This is the romance for you.


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