"Wizards first rule; people are stupid" Wizard's First Rule written by Terry Goodkind This one thousand page adventure was one of the best fantasy books I have ever read. With every chapter some new danger would twist out of the woods and astonish me once again. There is never a dull moment just like an epic adventure. Epics are stories of grand adventures with the protagonist or, "epic hero", is faced of against all kinds of peril. Such as Aragorn in the Lord of the Rings trilogy Always a strong, humble, with a mission to protect others, the epic hero is a natural born leader and Richard Cypher is no different. Richard lives in the Westland, one of three territories he is a simple woods guide. One day shortly after the mysterious murder of his father he sees something unusual on one of his hikes. A beautiful women in a white dress walks quickly through the woods and not too far behind a group of four men follows. From this point on Richard's life takes an unexpected turn that may just have been destined.
Kahlan Amnell has taken a hard journey through the boundary from the Midlands. She has been sent by the wizards, who gave their lives, to find "the old one", their old mentor and the wizard who must choose a "seeker". Her mission is imperative because it is the seeker alone who can stop Darken Rahl. No one has ever been as cruel and as powerful as Darken Rahl, and on the first day of winter he will gain the power to rule the Westland, the Midlands, and D'Hara as he chooses. He has invoked the powerful magic of the boxes of Oden, and while he rules most of D'Hara and the Midlands now, if he opens the correct box he will rule with complete power and countless people will be brutalized and murdered by his corrupt hand.
Richard is unaware of everything beyond the border. He is even more unaware that the women in the white dress he decides to help protect from the four men is Khalan. After their paths cross and Richard saves Khalan from the men wanting to assassinate her he takes her to his eldest and dearest friend Zed. Zeddicus Zu'l Zorranderis is revealed to be the "old one", and names Richard "the Seeker" and presents him with the sword of truth. Now the three of them are set of on an adventure that leads them into the dangerous magical Midlands to stop Darken Rhal from acquiring all three boxes.
The excitement never ceases in this book, and Terry Goodkind has mastered the ability to blindside the reader at every turn. If you enjoy dramas where you hear things like, "It was her lover's twin the entire time!" you will find those twists in Wizards First Rule, but better because everyone has secrets. If you enjoy mysteries where the intelligent detective uncovers the truth just in the nick of time you will find that too because Richard's main job as the newly anointed "Seeker of Truth" is to do just that. If you like romance that's in here too. If you hate gooey "chick flicks" don't worry. I proclaim this book an excellent for both sides. Goodkind's name speaks for his character as he has created a story that has enough romance to satisfy the romantic in us and enough action and fighting to keep our focus on the thrill of adventure. In one thousand pages, there is room for it all. The first in it's series, Wizard's First Rule has surpassed all expectations and desires I had for an adventure as exciting and unique as the Lord of the Rings and A Song of Fire and Ice books.