The Host
By Stephanie Meyer(writer of the Twilight Saga)
You are erased. Not dead. Not sleeping, but erased. Everything you ever were is gone and replaced with something else. In Stephenie Meyer’s book The Host, everyone on planet earth has been scrubbed out of existence. Yet, everything looks the same. People still go to work, and go get coffee with friends, but we are almost extinct. An alien force has peacefully invaded Earth and stolen our identity. They are the Souls. They are placed inside our heads and wipe out who we are and take over our bodies and lives. This book is stirring and takes a completely new approach to the idea of an alien invasion.
In a world where people are being collected and taken over the Soul, Wanderer, is implanted into a rebel human Melanie. Wanderer has traveled more than most souls. She moves from world to world even though your usually supposed to settle by your third life. She has seen the Singing world and even the Fire World, but she has never experienced anything like our world. Wanderer still has Melanie's memories, which is normal. Melanie was seventeen years old when they captured her. Even her suicide attempt didn’t save her from becoming one of them. Melanie was protecting her brother and herself from being found and brain washed when she met Jared. He was still human. No scars on his neck and no silver circle around his pupils. They are immediately drawn to each other, but it didn’t last. However something went wrong. Melanie is still there present in Wanderer's mind fighting to not be erased. The trace feeling for Jared Melanie has makes Wanderer begin to fall in love with him too and they embark on an adventure to find him.
This love filled book will have you flipping through the pages as rules and hearts are broken in the most complicated irresistible love triangle ever. As the two souls emotions mix and collide this pulse-pounding book was born. The Host will surprise and startle through the post-invasion humans that still try to survive. The adventure starts when Wanderer begins to search for both Jared and Melanie’s brother feeling a love that can’t be explained for these people she hasn’t met. Upon finding them in a rebel camp of some of the last humans a new guy, Ian, enters the picture to complicate the love triangle further. Four souls, three bodies. These characters face an impossible hurdle that they must overcome while hiding from the rest of the Souls. Identities will be lost, feelings will be blended, forbidden romances will be fought for, and loyalties tested. Stephanie Meyer has outdone herself. Beware opening this book for it cannot be put down.